Spinal Flow

The Spinal Flow® Technique is a philosophy, a science and an intuitive hands-on approach that prompts our spine and nervous system to release stress and help heal itself. 

There is an innate intelligence inside every human body to grow, repair and heal itself. Just as our gut digests our food, our hair grows and our heart beats naturally, our bodies know how to harness this innate intelligence – or Life Force Energy – to heal and grow.

The spine and nervous system is the pathway through which Life Force Energy flows. Unreleased stress creates a blockage in the spine which prevents the flow of Life Force Energy.

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BodyTalk is a safe and effective system of integrative health care and is a holistic approach to healing, based on energy medicine. The principle of BodyTalk is to balance the BodyMind complex so that the body can communicate and heal as designed by nature. BodyTalk allows the brain to reset and become aware of the imbalances so it can get back to health.

BodyTalk helps synchronize the body’s natural functions - to achieve and maintain healing and growth on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

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